Peer editing is fun, but you have to learn how to do it first. In the slideshow “Peer Edit with Perfection Tutorial”, I learned that the definition of peer editing, just like in the first video, that it is working with someone your own age by helping them improve, edit, and revise. When giving compliments, make sure to tell the person what you thought they did well on. Give the author of the paper specific details in suggestions. Lastly, make sure you make corrections on the paper.
In the video “Writing Peer Reviews Top 10 Mistakes”, shows 10 things that you should not do when peer editing. Picky Patty picks out every single detail in the paper. Whatever William does not care what is wrong in his paper. Social Sammy is too busy talking to other classmates instead of getting his work done. Jean the Generalizer does not give specific details in the peer’s paper. Mean Margaret criticizes her peer by making the other person feel bad about their mistakes. Loud Larry is just too loud. Pushy Paula needs to make sure her facts are correct before correcting other people. Off- task Oliver is worried about everything else he can think of instead of doing peer editing. Speedy Sandy needs to slow down and take her time to help out her peer. Defensive Dave needs to be respectful toward his peer editor, and not get defensive when he tells him something is wrong.

This very good! You had all of the important information from the videos, and I agree with all of the points you made. I like that you put all of the categories, of editors in paragraph 3, in order to show what not to do.